Purpose-built for stochastic valuation, Atlas is dramatically faster than legacy models when calculating principles-based reserves. This gives you more running room to perform sensitivity analysis, stochastic-on-stochastic forecasts, and the other analytics you need to run your business — without making compromises.
And in a cloud computing environment, faster runtimes translate directly to cost savings.
The Atlas ALM Portfolio Solver takes asset and liability cashflows, and calculates surplus deficiency across the projection horizon for all scenarios — within minutes.
You can use the ALM Portfolio Solver to model CDHS under the Implicit or the Explicit method, to value your book under VM-20, VM-21, VM-22, VM-23 — or whatever future regulatory change may bring.
Atlas’s workflow automation, model governance features, and easy-to-use interface make your operations straightforward to configure and to maintain.
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Reduce your in-force recordset by 100:1 or better, while maintaining replication accuracy
Produce stochastic cashflows for VA contracts and guarantee riders: GMDB, GMAB, GMIB, GMWB, Lifetime GMWB
Produce stochastic cashflows for FIA and RILA products and associated lifetime income benefits
Produce stochastic cashflows for fixed income and derivative assets
Industry leading audit & control features to support your organization’s model and assuptions governance
No-code ETL takes data from your enterprise and organizes it however you need it
Asset portfolio rebalancing for VM-21, capital determination and more
Integration with third-party cloud platforms such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure
Contact us to learn more about how Stoch Analytics
can help you navigate the stochastic world